Wednesday 24 February 2016

Get the Social Media Attention

For most of us the world has changed a lot. And why wouldn’t it. With all the technological advancements enslaving humans. Be it the mobile phone or the laptop. People everywhere are glued to these flashy screens. And this has led to a whole new generation of delusional humans who live in a social world that isn’t at all social. And neither does it exist in reality. There are games. But only to be played with fingers and keyboards without using any other limb. There are groups but there isn’t any harmony. There are friends but none is close enough to share something with. There are pictures but the memories have become rare.

And though all this seems pathetic. But this is the bitter truth which none of us want to accept. As many of us are happy with the way the things are. And argue that even this social life can be fun. But there is surely one party that is being benefitted by this social gathering. And it is the big business houses. Who advertise on these social mediums and by using their social media content and alluring advertisements, are able to grab those young eyeballs and make them attracted and motivated to buy their product. No matter how useless or degraded it is.

If anything is being liked and shared on the social media. And the media distribution is high enough for the product. People are sure to give it a try for the mere reason of it being a trending thing. Although they might never use it again after using it once. But that’s another story. And by the time people realize it. The company has already sold millions of units and earned billions in profits. And that is how companies these days allure people and get their sales boosted.

But creating an indulging social media content isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. As it requires an in-depth knowledge and research about the thinking and behavior of the people. To know how they read stuff and how can a website or a page be made more enticing. And also due attention is to be paid as to what is the language of the region and people your company is targeting.

And after you have decided and produced some indulging pieces of content. The next hurdle to be overcome is regarding media distribution. And it isn’t as easy as you might think. You just cannot leave some content on random places and expect people to notice and like it. Media distribution is much more complex and requires a company to plan out a proper strategy to distribute its social media content in such a way as to be able to grab maximum attention and that too long lasting. And to do so you need to know the keywords that people look for the most and post content at places that the people visit the most. Be it Pinterest, Tumblr or Facebook.